Croeso / Welcome... to the Old Dominicans' Association Homepage, the official site for the Alumni of Friars School in Bangor, North Wales.
As our motto says, 'Foedere fraterno in perpetuum', or, 'the bonds of brotherhood are everlasting' - we believe the bonds forged during our time at the school will transcend the years.
We have lots of information about the Association, plus, our extensive archives of photos, newsletters and old papers
Members, click here for the password protected areas, otherwise non-members may apply to Join Us Here.
There's lots to see on our website! We have a range of membership options, and we're a friendly bunch!
All Ex-Pupils of Friars School are eligible for 'Full Membership', those with a link of any kind with the school, may be eligible to join us as a 'Friend'. Most of our archives are available to our subscribers, so if you're not a Member - why not Join Us?
We meet regularly for outings, walks and social gatherings, check our News and Events page for details - although more details may be posted in the Members only News pages... So, if you'd like to participate and you're not a member - Contact Us
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Whether you have anything to lend or donate, wish to renew old connections or perhaps you just want to share anecdotes or information, then, we'd love to hear from you!
If you have any Friars school material you'd like to display in our archives, we're particularly interested in copying suitable material for inclusion in our digital archive, please - Contact Us We'll return your originals as soon as possible.
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