Personal Details / Manylion Personnol
Address / Cyfeiriad

We will need this to contact you

Some Further Details / Gwybodaeth Eraill
Your Time at Friars / Eich Amser yn Friars

Purely voluntary!
Your Address whilst at Friars / Eich Cyfeiriad tra yn Friars

After Friars / Ar Ôl Friars

Membership Information

Membership runs from 1st April and costs £12 per annum. We accept Cash, Cheques, Bank Transfers or Standing orders.

Once your application has been received, you'll be contacted directly with payment options.

Unless you've told us not to, a list of members passed and present showing their names, any nickname (as indicated by you on your application form), your School-House and Years at Friars as well as your current membership-status will be published in the Members-only area. Members wishing to contact old colleages, may do so via the Membership Coordinator.

ODA Goodies

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